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Enrolment, Fees & Pricing

Booking Info

We would love to have you join us!

Enrolments are welcome anytime of year- although optimal, there is no need to wait until the start of a term. 
Trial classes (paid) are encouraged, with no obligation for term enrolment;
Please note that trial classes will not be offered in the last week of each term.
To book, contact Lisa with your child’s name, age, an email address, mobile contact number & if your child has any health issues that she may need to be aware of.
On confirmation of your booking, a “Welcome’ page will be sent to your email address with all the information you will need for your first class.
Class terms are based on Victoria state school term dates, with consideration for public holidays, when there will be no classes.

Class Fees

Weekly creative dance & yoga classes- all ages  $18/session

Trial classes- $18

Fees can be paid in person by cash, card, or online transfer, as a term payment or if necessary- casually.

It is preferable to attend the classes regularly & term enrolment is encouraged & preferred, as community-making & encouraging continuity & commitment.

Casual payment will be considered on an individual basis- please contact Lisa 

*Please be aware that if you should personally choose to withdraw your term commitment at any time after the commencement of term, you will not be refunded.

Holiday Sessions for 4-10yrs $35 booked & prepaid online

Holiday Sessions for 10-16yrs $45 booked & prepaid online

DANCE NATURE- $22/pp or $36 x 2 (bring a friend!)

Personalised Yoga & Incursion fees are determined on discussion with client.

Account Details

Account name: Lisa Sommerlad
BSB: 182-182
Account Number: 011498235

PayID: Lisa Sommerlad/ 0431590109
Reference: Your family name/child’s name

If paying by direct deposit, please use your family name/childs name as reference and email your receipt to Lisa 

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Take your imaginations for a dance...into yoga!

The Body Voice Centre, 50 Wolverhampton St Footscray VIC 3011 

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